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Lab chromatography Crimp-top 20mm Crimp top butyl Rubber Stopper aluminum cap Headspace Vial

Headspace vials are common consumables generally used in gas phase experiments. Headspace samples are typically prepared in vials containing sample, diluting solvent, matrix modifier, and headspace.

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Headspace vials are common consumables generally used in gas phase experiments. Headspace samples are typically prepared in vials containing sample, diluting solvent, matrix modifier, and headspace. Volatile components in complex sample mixtures can be extracted from non-volatile sample components and separated in the headspace or gas portion of the vial. A gas sample in the headspace is injected into the GC system to separate all volatile components.


  • Volume: 10ml
  • Dimension: 22.5*46mm
  • Neck: 20mm Crimp
  • Bottom: Flat Bottom or Round Bottom
  • Material: 1st hydrolytic class glass
Headspace vials are available in two colors: brown and transparent. The brown bottle can avoid light. The manufacturing process adopts molding method and has the characteristics of thick wall, high mechanical strength and non-fragility.
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