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Amber Glass Headspace Vial

The 20ml screw threaded headspace vial is used for the threaded vial (10ml + 20ml) and magnetic screw cap of CTC and TriPlus autosampler. It is easy to use and does not require any other tools. Samples can be transferred on site, without the need to transfer samples in the laboratory. The precise thread ensures the air tightness between the vial and the cap. Magnetic nut can be widely used in various SPME and headspace analysis. The round bottom vial is stronger, has higher pressure resistance when heating the sample vial, and is easier to slide into the heating hole.

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Bottles equipped with 18mm caps with septa are used as sample bottles, and bottles equipped with diffusion caps are used as washing bottles. These sample bottles can also be used as storage bottles. Precisely machined threads ensure sealing at all times. It fits perfectly with the matching 18mm magnetic metal screw cap and PTFE/silicone septum. The caliber of this series of headspace bottles is 18mm, and the size of 20ml is 22.5*75.5mm.
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