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9mm HPLC Vials use for GC System

The 9mm hplc vials produced by Aijiren can be used in many places and scenarios. The GC System is just one of them. More often, the 9mm hplc vials produced by Aijiren are used in different Autosamplers. Its compatibility is a major part of its popularity. the reason. Aijiren’s 9mm hplc vials is one of the most popular products.

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The 9mm hplc vials produced by Aijiren have a short thread, the maximum capacity is 2ml, and the standard capacity is 1.5ml. You can choose a vial with a scale, a writing label, or a customized logo. Aijiren supports a variety of select. The shoulder and neck of the 9mm hplc vials are designed with oblique shoulders. This design is very convenient for the grabbing of the autosampler and is not easy to fall off. Some autosamplers grab 9mm Screw Cap. Aijiren added vertical lines when designing the Cap. , Is to increase friction and prevent slipping when grabbing. The 9mm hplc vials produced by Aijiren use borosilicate hydrochloric acid glass. The unified batch production ensures the consistency of specifications between the same batches. Closures uses high-quality polypropylene, Silicone and PTFE made of Septa to ensure sealed injection.
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