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2ml Vial for HPLC Analysis

The design of the 9mm sample vial was developed by European and American instrument manufacturers. Its design features are universal and easy to grasp, especially the use of an automated sampling system. So this kind of sample bottle is also called autosampler bottle.?9mm sample vials are extremely compatible, as long as the bottom diameter is 11.6mm, almost all sample vials can be replaced with 9mm sample vials.

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9 mm Wide Mouth Screw Thread HPLC Vials. 9mm screw thread caps, septa, and vials are designed especially for use with Aijiren''s and other rotating or robotic arm samplers 2ml, 12X32mm vials are manufactured of Clear. Type 1 Class A or Amber, Type 1 Class B borosilicate glass and include a write-in patch for sample identification
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