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2ml Hplc Vial With Rack

The blue high-quality acrylic vial cap combines innovation with time-saving convenience. The chemically inert vial cap produced by this patented method truly combines the septum and the plastic cap at the molecular level, which can avoid excessive evaporation and keep the sample vial properly sealed. The cap can be used and the septum can be replaced when needed. Choose from a variety of colors of gaskets to meet different needs.

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The features of 2ml transparent threaded sample vial with scale 8-425 are as follows: high borosilicate glass, key indicators and technical indicators such as sample vial polishing degree, vial mouth inner and outer diameter, ribbed mouth accuracy all meet international requirements, vial mouth size is accurate, guaranteed The automatic sampler captures accurately, the vial body is equipped with scales and writing marks, which is convenient for marking the sample vial, production/packing in an ultra-clean working environment, and packaging with specific packaging materials to reduce pollution.
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