Home » Products » Chromatogarphy instrument » Shimadzu » Headspace vial » 20ml Crimp GC Vial for Lab Test

20ml Crimp GC Vial for Lab Test

Headspace vials are available in clear or amber glass with a round or flat base, a crimp seal with a beveled or square edge finish, or with a screw-thread finish. Headspace vials, septum, and caps can be purchased in various quantities separately or together as convenience kits to fit your laboratory needs.

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The crimped top headspace vial is made of Type 1 borosilicate glass. Clear glass bottles with 20mm crimp sealing surfaces are designed for most headspace autosamplers. The flat-bottom vial can maximize heating efficiency when used in conjunction with the bottom. The robotic arm that lifts the robotic arm from the pallet can handle round-bottomed sample vials more easily.
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