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18mm Screw Headspace Vials with Closures for Aijiren

18mm Screw Neck Headspace Vial
Capacity: 10ml, 20ml
Color: clear and amber
Bottle mouth diameter: 18mm
Supporting Cap: Screw Neck magnetic precision Cap
Scope of application: gas chromatography
Applicable brands: Aijiren, Thermo Fisher, Waters, Shimadzu, etc.

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18mm Screw Thread Headspace Vials has two capacities, 10ml and 20ml, which are suitable for different types of laboratory analysis. The colors are also two types of amber glass and clear glass. Amber glass can protect light-sensitive samples from ultraviolet rays. Influence. 18mm screw neck headspace vials can become an important product in gas chromatographic analysis. The focus is on the quality of the glass. Aijiren uses borosilicate hydrochloric acid glass, which is highly inert to ensure the stability of the experiment. The Cap of the 18mm Screw Thread Headspace Vials is also very special, made of Magnetic Precision Metal with an 8mm center hole. Septa is made of PTFE and Silicone compound to make it easy to seal, but also conducive to the puncture of the injection needle for sample injection. 1. 18mm Screw Thread Headspace Vials ND18
Part No. VA101 VA1035 VA201 VA2035
Description 10mL Clear Precision Screw Headspace Vial, Round Bottom, 22.5*46mm, 5.0 type 10mL Amber Precision Screw Headspace Vial, Round Bottom, 22.5*46mm, 5.0 type 20mL Clear Precision Screw Headspace Vial, Round Bottom, 22.5*75.5mm, 5.0 type 20mL Amber Precision Screw Headspace Vial, Round Bottom, 22.5*75.5mm, 5.0 type
2. 18mm Screw Thread Headspace Caps With Septa
Part No. SACA001 SACA002-II SACA003-II CA001 SA001 SA002-II SA003-II
Description Blue PTFE/White Silicone Septa, 13mm Black Screw Polypropylene Cap, 8.5mm Centre Hole Red PTFE/White Silicone Septa, 18mm Magnetic Precision Screw Metal Cap, 8mm Centre Hole White PTFE/Blue Transparent Silicone Septa, 18mm Magnetic Precision Screw Metal Cap, 8mm Centre Hole Magnetic Precision Screw Metal Cap, 8mm Centre Hole Φ18mm Blue PTFE/White Silicone Septa Φ 17.5*1.5mm Red PTFE/White Silicone Septa Φ 17.5*1.3mm Easy to puncture NEW TYPE White PTFE/Blue Transparent Silicone Septa Φ 17.5*1.3mm Easy to puncture NEW TYPE
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