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18mm Magnetic Precision Screw Metal Cap for Supply

18mm septa use only the highest quality materials to ensure proper function, specifically for GC applications, ensuring the septum does not fall into the vial during sample injection.

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Matching Caps and Septas: 18mm septa use only the highest quality materials to ensure proper function, specifically for GC applications, ensuring the septum does not fall into the vial during sample injection. The septa are made of PTFE/Silicone fusion material, which is made of TFE/Silicone fusion material, which has excellent inertness and can be used for multiple injections. The septum thickness is 1.5mm. The Screw Head Space series of closures combine innovation with time-saving convenience, precise manufacturing tolerances and a controlled manufacturing environment. Caps manufactured using this patented method truly combine the septum and cap at a molecular level, preventing excessive evaporation and properly sealing the sample vial.
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