Home » Products » Chromatogarphy instrument » Aijiren » 13-425 screw sample vial » 13mm Amber Vial Supplier

13mm Amber Vial Supplier

13-425 4ml screw-top autosampler vial is often used in conjunction with Shimadzu, Spectrophysics, Varian and other autosamplers. The?vial is made of colorless Class 1 Type A or Amber Class 1 Type B...
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13-425 4ml screw-top autosampler vial is often used in conjunction with Shimadzu, Spectrophysics, Varian and other autosamplers. The?vial is made of colorless Class 1 Type A or Amber Class 1 Type B borosilicate glass, and a writable label is attached to the vial for sample identification. The thread is precisely machined to ensure sealing at all times. It fits perfectly with the matching 13mm black and white opening, solid cover and various septa. The?vial cap corresponding to the 4ml screw?vial combines innovation with time-saving convenience. The chemically inert vial cap produced by this patented method truly combines the septum and the cap at the molecular level, which can avoid excessive evaporation and keep the sample vial properly sealed.
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